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Project 3: Implementation Milestone 2

Learning Goals

  • Practice and refine your Agile engineering approach
  • Get feedback from users on an MVP

Project Context

You and your team have been working on the product prototype for your startup. This is the second technical assignment towards your whole product MVP; at the end of this, you will produce an intermediate product that users can interact with.


1. Sprint 2 (two weeks)

In P2, you ran your first sprint. Now, keep going! You will:

  • Take into account any feedback on your Sprint 1 plan from P2 and adjust as necessary.
  • Hold a sprint planning meeting: assign user stories to members of your group and give those tasks deadlines.
  • Continue running your periodic standup meetings.
  • Implement PRs for each feature or bug ticket and review and merge those PRs.
  • Record a video demo of the user stories you implemented (this can be done by anyone on your team).
  • Hold a sprint retrospective.

Turn in instructions

You will turn in:

  • A link to your GitHub project tracker, which should clearly show tickets, who they are assigned to, and when the corresponding PRs were merged.
  • A writeup of your sprint retrospective. What worked well this sprint? What will you change for next sprint?
  • A description of how to how to use your app and try out the user stories you've implemented; for example, you might describe how to build a website locally and then how to interact with that website to test out the user stories you have implemented. The instructors will follow these instructions when grading your demo, so make sure they work.
  • A URL to the video demos of your user stories; please upload the demos to YouTube and keep them private.

2. User feedback

You must pilot test the portion of your app that you have built with one other person in the class who is not on your team and who did not pilot the app for P2. You should document the pilot test through recordings, transcripts, and analysis of how it went and lessons learned. You must document changes to any user stories that were inspired by the results of the pilot.

Turn in instructions

Turn in the transcripts and analysis of the pilot test. Do not turn in the raw recordings. Those are for your team to review in case someone was not available to be at the pilot test.