Recitation 3: React (Frontend)¶
Staff Overview¶
- Nicholas Wernink & Alex Barrios
- Emails: &
- Office Hours: Wed 2:30 - 4pm (Nicholas), Thu 12pm - 1pm (Alex)
Concept: Frontend¶
- What the user sees + interacts with.
- “Client-side code”
- Probably know of HTML/CSS/JS. You can build vanilla frontends.
- We will learn React (
Interruption: Styling and CSS¶
- We don’t have a dedicated recitation for styling, because there are so many many systems you can follow.
- Google is your friend.
Intro to ReactJS (or just React)¶
- Created 2011 (by Facebook)
- “Frontend JS Library” (technically not a framework, but its chill)
- Declarative, Component-Based
- Uses JSX syntax (HTML inside your JS)
React: Components + Props¶
- “React Only Updates What’s Necessary”
- Function vs Class components
- You can nest components (intuitive)
- STRICT Rule: “All React components must act like pure functions with respect to their props” (this does not apply to State)
React: Components + State¶
- Component State = saved (and usually important) information about a component
- Changing state -> trigger a component reload
- Do not modify state directly (will not trigger reload). Use React’s state funcs.
React: Data (States & Props) Flow¶
- Parent-Child relationships (think Tree)
- State is always local, but can flow downwards (to children) as props.
- Common Workaround: pass a state-modifying function as prop to child.
Child can then call the passed function to indirectly modify parent state.
Summary: State flows down (waterfall). Changes can sometimes flow back up.
- (We will learn about state management libraries later on)
React: Design Process¶
How to think + code like a React dev: - Break UI into component list/hierarchy (form the Tree) - Build static version of UI first - Compatible with data models, but no interactions - Find simplest representation of UI state for each component - Identify where state should live - Add inverse data flow (changes go back up)
Component Libraries/Frameworks¶
- SUPER USEFUL (and fun to explore)
- You no longer have to style everything by hand (b/c CSS bad).
- Find one that you enjoy and read the docs on how to use it!
Popular ones: - MaterialUI (google) - Bootstrap - Ant Design (Ant Financial, Alibaba) - Evergreen - We’re gonna use Tailwind CSS