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Recitation 5: Fullstack MERN app

Staff Overview

  • Mehul Agarwal & Rohit Nanjangud Shreenivas
  • Emails: &
  • Office Hours: Mehul(3:30 PM to 4:30 PM on Wednesdays) Rohit(5 PM to 6 PM on Fridays)

Fullstack MERN app

  • git clone from:
  • server -- backend express app; runs on port 3001
  • client -- frontend react app; runs on port 3000

To run the backend server

  • The app uses mongodb and this needs to be configured
  • We've used mongoose library for ODM and interacting with the db
  • On line 14, mongoose.connect(<mongodb-atlas-url>); you need to replace the url with your mongodb url
  • To setup a cloud mongodb, go to, setup a free tier db and get the connection link
  • Your URL should look something similar to this: mongodb+srv://<username>:<password><dbname>?retryWrites=true&w=majority;
  • Once you set this up, you can use node index.js from the server directory to bring up the backend server

To run the frontend server

  • cd client
  • Delete the package-lock.json
  • npm install to install the required dependencies
  • NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider npm start to bring up the frontend server. The extra flag is to avoid some legacy dependency issue

