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Recitation 7: Mobile + React Native

Staff Overview

React Native

  • Framework developed by Facebook
  • Allows building mobile applications using JavaScript and React


  • Cross-Platform Compatibility - Develop for iOS and Android with a single codebase
  • Native Look and Feel - Utilizes native components for a seamless user experience
  • Fast Development - Write code once, deploy everywhere, reducing development time
  • Community Support - Large community and ecosystem for resources and assistance

Usage of React Native

  • Developers write code in JavaScript and React Native translates this code into native components, which are rendered for a mobile UI
  • React Native is used to:
  • Develop mobile applications
  • Quickly build prototypes
  • Develop MVP’s to validate concepts and gather user feedback

More about React Native


  • Swift is a powerful and intuitive programming language developed by Apple
  • Designed for building apps for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS

Key Features

  • Safety - Offers built-in safeguards to prevent errors and improve code reliability
  • Speed - Optimized for performance, allowing developers to write fast and efficient code
  • Expressive - Concise syntax and modern features enhance readability and maintainability
  • Interoperability - Seamlessly works with Objective-C, allowing integration with existing codebases

More about Swift


  • Kotlin is a statically typed programming language developed by JetBrains
  • Officially supported by Google for Android development since 2017

Key Features

  • Conciseness - Reduces boilerplate code, making development more efficient
  • Safety - Provides null safety features to prevent common runtime errors
  • Interoperability - Seamlessly integrates with existing Java code and libraries
  • Kotlin is compiled to bytecode like Java
  • Functional Programming - Supports functional programming paradigms for cleaner code

More about Kotlin

React Native Expo Demo

  1. Download the Expo Go app on your smartphone
  2. git clone
  3. yarn install
  4. yarn start
  5. Either view by scanning QR code on your mobile device or use a simulator on your computer